FF8 Chocobo World
Has anyone else tried this yet?

I used to play FF8 on the regular console but never had access to Chocobo World before, so the Chocobo World on the Steam version is kind of new to me.

I've been reading a lot of the FAQ's on it, but a bunch of them seem to be wrong in certain regards or confusing.

For starters, one FAQ I read stated that monsters Hit Points are relative to your Chicobo. The first run through, this seemed entirely accurate, as every monster had the amount of hit points the FAQ specified. But, I had an accident with the game and had to restart my Chicobo at Lvl 1. This time, it seems my Chicobo has more Hit Points, and the monster's hit points aren't relative anymore.

Then, most guides say that its possible to get the Chicobo to get kissed to level up his summon attack in FF8. The three ways it says are possible are through scripted events inside Chocobo World, through random encounters in Chicobo World, and through summoning the Chicobo in FF8 using Gysahl Greens. So far, I've burned through ~70 Gysahl Greens without seeing this kiss happen, so I'm kind of doubting that way really works. I've been able to get the kiss through a scripted event, but by the time I reached a Lvl 100 Chicobo, I had only gotten the one kiss. I have never seen a kiss happen through random occurence in Chocobo World. So, I have no idea how this dynamic is supposed to work.

And, at Lvl 100, its possible to fight an evil dragon boss. The boss has 99 HP, my Chicobo at Lvl 100 had about 35 HP. Needless to say, I'm not really sure how to beat that *****er, unless its possible to get my Chicobo's HP to some ungodly level.

Anyone have any familiarity with Chocobo World that can shed some light to this?

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