Short answer: No. Reason: Websites keep coming up with ways to enforce DRM / make it hard for pirates
Jdownloader grabs a lot of videos and audio streams and other shit (like retro games from, java based (runs on any OS), open source, friendly GUI ->
youtube-dl grabs even more video/audio streams (not just youtube) than jdownloader and is also open source, actively maintained, python based, but no GUI... ->
If you keep both updated chances are either of the dev teams have found a way to leech your favorite video site
List of supported sites:
Previous thread where we went over how to use youtube-dl:
Personally, if neither jodownloader nor youtube-dl can handle it I pass. I am not a fan of browser addons (besides the bare necessities like adblock and noscript)
Bonus trick if you have youtube-dl and mpv (sudo apt install mpv) installed:
Stream your favorite public iptv station or youtube or ***** videos directly in the mpv player (no ads or website BS) by doing "mpv [url]" in your terminal - Windozers will never know this level of comfort