I decided to try this out in a VM
Installation took 15+ minutes and I had to tell it twice what keyboard layout I was using. Then it told me to sign in with an MS account. That is BS but ok, I thought I'd make a disposable account just for the heck of it so I clicked "create a new account". There was a checkbox below it saying "I would like information, tips and offers about Microsoft products and services" which common sense would tell anyone to untick. However: unticking it made the installation process halt until I hit the back button and had to start over. MS in a nutsack: you cant unsubscribe to our spam even if we give you a tickbox to un-check...
fine- but then it asked me for my birthday and country again (2nd time) - filled it in repetitively. And then it told me my email name contained characters that are not allowed... I had put in Fuk as first and Yu as last name. I wonder which of those characters are offensive? But fine, let's try Frog Yolo - seemes to compute but now I am asked for my country and birthdate for the 3rd time???
Next thing I was asked wether I want MS apps to use my location. I went with NO. Then "Find my device" - NO again. Then "Send diagnostic data to Microsoft", and get a load of this: no option that says NO. Only 'all' or 'some'.
And a bunch of other options that all translate to "would you like your OS to phone home?" disguised as all sorts of shit like advertizing ID and whatnot. At least I got to opt out in most cases...
Then followed a questionarie about what I intended to use the OS for. Another telemetry trick. I clicked "skip".
And then the cloud- opt to store all my data in microsoft's cloud? ***** NO!
PLUGGED IN" (clogs up ethernet in your path) - Now I am on a 100mbit up/down connection yet this wait for us to process all your info session took 3 minutes.
A bunch of stuff I dont need/want but we will save that for later (EDIT: windows somehow made all proprietary apps inivisible in the screenshot - see
https://i.imgur.com/Sw1Thvo.png for what it looks like now)
Now was the time to install virtualbox guest additions so I could register (as per the readme.txt included in the torrent). I loaded the iso into the virtual drive and then I started looking for how to run it. File explorer is for some reason not in the first app panel you are shown. Messenger, instagram and a bunch of useless shit is. But fine, I clicked "all apps" and found file explorer, navigated to the guest additions cd and ran it, hit reboot and waited impressively little time for it to shut down and get back.
Succesfully activated binbows (or so it seems).
Now let's take a look at what comes preinstalled...
Weather widgets (using my location even though I opted out): V
Finance widgets (using my location even though I opted out): V
News Widgets (using my location even though I opted out): V
Spotify, Netflix, Twitter, Instagram, Messenger, office (*) and Photoshop Elements (*) : V
For some reason no skype ???
* = not-registered trial versions
This is just what I can see by clicking buttons on the taskbar
It would be interesting to see if I can remove these (actually, as a user I shouldn't have to unselect shit I dont want. It should be the other way around: go to app-store or whatever and select what I want)*
But I am more interested to see how binbows treats my software of choice.
Open app store, look for FLOSS 'apps'...
PureData - not found
aBox - a bunch of xbox payware...
No problem, I know where to get the stand-alone executables... (edge wnats to collect more data on me before I can go browse anywhere, but ***** it)
Go straight to
https://puredata.info/downloads/pure-data and get the 32-bit portable for windows. extract archive, run main executable, get this shit:
There's a 'DON'T RUN' button but no 'I TRUST THIS SOFTWARE' button... The only other option is closing the window which doesn't run the executable either...
Luckily there is a pd.com file included which for some reason doesnt make windows go NON-PROPRIETARY SOFTWARE ALERT PLS ABORT. Audio engine works.
Second test subject: aBox2 -
Opens without any warning. Audio engine works.
None of them seem to get quarantined by windows defender either, which I must say is a huge leap for windozers- windows10 straight up deleted both programs last I tried that distro.
I wonder how windows11 will perform with pirated GOG games. Running Planescape: Torment [GOG] setup.exe seems to work just fine. "Launch game" results in a *****ed up flicker between desktop and game screen but I know the fix: edit torment.cfg and set "Full Screen=0" (windowed mode). And it works.
I am not doing anymore testing tonight, but there are plenty complaints to be had without running it through wireshark to test how much phone-homoing is going on.
Still, I'll keep the VM for gayming
(Jun 21, 2021, 15:23 pm)RodneyYouPlonker Wrote: Not really a contest in my eyes [...] Win10 is for people who talk the talk and walk the walk.
Sounds like you are making it into a win10-users-are-better-than-everybody-else issue... Which is a pretty competitive stance.