Since the beginning of the year, my mother has begun to feel the effects of osteo-arthritis.

Because of this, we've been avoiding the gym, she has shied away from cooking some meals, and it's as if it's a death sentence.

I'm not asking for sympathy, because I know life is hard, and rarely fair, but I would like to hear some advice to at least ease the pain by 10%.

She's tried a lot of things: Chinese medicine practitioners, pain killers, and supplements. None of them has worked very well.

If you or a loved one has been suffering from arthritis, I would listen for all the tea in Sri Lanka on what works, rather than what doesn't.

Thank you for reading and have a good day.
Mine tried immersion. Is there any swimming pool or bath house (very common in Asia) available? Not cold, not deep, just right. Senior therapy classes, maybe?
Don't mean any Matthew-style thing, but the floating seems to help. Having some coach to flex while in water too.

Wish she can find some comfort.
True mine couldn't find anything but really toxic and expensive medicine, and risky surgery.
She was a fighter and held her head up; a bit too much, should've lent a little more on others.
There are various simple and cheap granny treatments.
Number one is Chamomile. Soak any cloth in warm (and strong) chamomile tea and wrap it where it hurts.
Number two is Mallow. You wont find it in the supermarket but you can collect it for free Smile
These are painkillers
Now for actual cures
Any herb from the labia family: Oregano, Rosemary, Mint, Basil, Thyme, Lavender - all of them drive out toxins with urine.
And the show stopper:
Hemp seed oil Smile
Thank you guys.

I'll certainly try and report back.

EDIT: Where can I find mallow, ill88eagle?
(Apr 19, 2024, 20:24 pm)dueda Wrote: Mine tried immersion. Is there any swimming pool or bath house (very common in Asia) available? Not cold, not deep, just right.

I have arthritis and fibromyalgia. I also use a walker. That being said, swimming is a great zero-impact exercise. It takes the pressure off of the joints. I also use a TENS unit (about $40-50 for a good one on Amazon). That uses electrical stimulation to desensitize nerves for a time. That was always my favorite part of physical therapy. Speaking of which, PT might help too
I once had a rare form of inflammatory arthritis that affects mostly *****er men.  Swimming in a heated pool was commonly recommended for relief; also movement of any kind when you can manage it--becoming sedentary just makes things worse.  I don't know if that works as well for osteoarthritis, though.
You guys are geniuses! What would I do without the lot of you?

Keep them coming! The more the merrier!
My friends arthritis was so degenerative, only surgery was able to correct. next month, he's having his other knee done. And my ex wife just today was complaining about how it hurts her knees before it rains... I can't really offer anymore than what Google suggests... When you are hurting, Tylenol NSAIDS dont do shit.

Hope she feels better

Well, so what you're saying is, while there are drugs that can ease the pains of Cancer and AIDS, nothing will do for arthritis.

That's not what I want to hear.
(Apr 21, 2024, 01:45 am)RobertX Wrote: Uh-huh.

Well, so what you're saying is, while there are drugs that can ease the pains of Cancer and AIDS, nothing will do for arthritis.

That's not what I want to hear.

There some anti-inflammatories that kinda work. I've been taking meloxicam (aka Mobic) for many years now. It took the edge off for a long time but I finally got to the point that I now take narcotic painkillers just to function

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